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Ciberseguridad y Hacking ético


Cybercrime analysis in Spain. OSINT SERVICES.

Collaboration services in cybercrime analysis in Spain

When you are investigating a cyberrime incident for a client, sometimes you get information about Spanish telephones, address, firms, etc. It´s very difficult get more information or search a good technologic lawyer, cybercrime analyst or investigator. My name is Jorge Esclapez (Deckcard23) and I can help you if you are investigating an scam in your country and you need information about spanish issues. Sorry for my English :).

You can contact to me in my website and fill in my contact form. You can write me in english or spanish.

Cybercrime analysis in Spain: experts in cryptocurrencies scams

There are a lot of scams with bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. People receive a telephone call or an email that a alleged investor that what your money and he or she promises you a lot of ROI, big quantity of money, more than 20 per cent sometimes. Some days ago or perhaps moth you dont receive any bitcoin or money then you discover the scam.

That is a Ponzi fraud where with your money the cyber criminals pay other scammed and they always earn. After that the want that you send more money to rescue the first money that you sent. They have a lot of excuses: we need pay taxes, the person is in a meeting, send an email and answer you asap.

If you have information about spanish people and the police is very slow for you or your client we can help you. We are experts in cibercrime analysis in Spain.

We denounce for you

We make a very complete report with the analysis. We can offer you a good technogyc law firm or lawyer that denounce the people in the spanish courts where the laws and reglaments about data protection are very strongs. We can translate all the process for you with and certified translator.

It is more easy for us identifier any person if you have your bank account, telephone number or address because i live in Spain and we kwow a lot of people here. Remember that if you dont move fast the scammers disapear and you´ll never see again.

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